The AGROTECH fair in Kielce is famous all over the world. Domestic and foreign producers from the agricultural technology industry present their machines, plant protection products and solutions for plantation maintenance.
Every year, the KIELCE Fair awards and honors for special solutions dedicated to the agricultural market.

The AGREUS® System was also among the winners of this year’s edition!
Inventia received the AGRO Impuls award for cooperation in the development and implementation of a wireless Smart Farm class system. A statuette and a diploma from the Main Board of the Association of Agricultural Engineers and Technicians from the hands of dr inż. Andrzej Seliga, Vice-Chairman of the Management Board, was received by President Jerzy Bialousz. The statuette for participation in the development of the AGREUS® System was also awarded to the Institute of Horticulture in Skierniewice – the award was received by Professor Waldemar Treder, Head of the Irrigation Laboratory of the Agroengineering Department of IO-PIB.